
  • 武侠
  • 姜大卫岳华欧立保龙世家袁振洋袁日初
  • 120分钟
  • David Chiang plays Captain Ai, a provincial consta… David Chiang plays Captain Ai, a provincial constable assigned to the task of apprehending a gun-running outlaw named Chan and finding the hidden stas...h of weapons. The Captang a gun-running outlaw named Chan and finding the hidden stas...h of weapons. The Captain relies on three allies: his loyal partner, his fiancee, and a retired kung fu master (Simon Yuen) who happens to be his fiancee's father. However, he must also contend with corrupt staff members and a local kung fu teacher working with the outlaws. After arresting Chan, Captain Ai must hold him prisoner until the Commissioner returns to town. Things get harder after the hostile Deputy Commissioner appoints a man in cahoots with the outlaws as Captain Ai's superior.


  • 更新至08集
  • 更新至08集
  • 蓝光
  • HD
  • HD
  • HD
  • 蓝光
  • 蓝光
  • 蓝光
  • 蓝光

